Category Archives: Example

These posts describe examples of solutions in which both humans and machines are participants.

How Not to Compare Apples and Oranges

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are a well-known instrument to assess organisational performance. NEXES investigates the use of KPIs to assess the impact of her solutions on emergency services in different countries. The traditional usage of KPIs is to deploy a “one size fits all” strategy for an organisation. However, emergency services find this unfair, disrespectful… Continue reading »

How to Compare Apples and Oranges?

How to Compare Apples and Oranges?

How can we compare apples and oranges? The NEXES Action needs to overcome this proverbial challenge. NEXES aims to assess the impact of her solutions for Internet-enabled communication technologies on emergency services throughout Europe and even beyond Europe. Emergency services are quite different, due to their location and organisation. How to assess any impact given… Continue reading »

NEXES series on Key Performance Indicators

Within the NEXES Action the need arose to address the proverbial challenge of “Comparing Apples and Oranges”. Instead of imposing a strict set of key performance indicators (KPIs), a more flexible approach was adopted. These flexible KPIs are defined to respect the autonomy of the involved parties. A series of six articles has been written that… Continue reading »

Dare to Innovate

In the previous blog, “How an innovative goal may need time to yield returns”, an example was given for obtaining a large goal (a bicycle return trip Delft to Paris). In another blog, “user-driven innovation” the puzzle was described whether an organisation should diverge from past successes. Key to undertaking a large, ambitious, goal, is… Continue reading »

User-driven innovation

User-driven innovation

Where does innovation come from? You may answer: from companies such as Google and Apple! Or Amazon! Or NASA! No, from my University! Many answers are possible and true. Yet, keep in mind that changes and ideas are not solely produced by academia or large organisations and their R&D labs. Users, customers, amateurs and others often… Continue reading »

Smart Grid & Autonomy

The vision of smart grids paints a bright future. By having more means for distributed energy production, storage and consumption, it becomes possible to have cheaper energy from sustainable energy sources. And it is very simple… just install some solar panels, or a small wind turbine… Or even install a battery in the house, which… Continue reading »