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The authors of texts on this website, as well as the website owner, do not assume any responsibility for (re)acting on the contents of this website. All opinions on this website are those of the respective author(s) and do not signify any endorsement of their employing organisations and/or colleagues.

If you find an omission, wish to rectify a mistake, or have comments of any sort: please contact us and we’ll take your request into consideration.

This website is (c) 2014 TRINSO (; all content is by Niek Wijngaards, unless otherwise stated near the material (text, image, et cetera). A number of images are used, with open source permission, from All logos and trademarks are copyrighted by their respective owners.

This website makes references to other websites: where possible public and open-source references are chosen to ensure that all visitors can access the referred material. Of course I am not responsible for the content on other websites.

You can contact me via ‘niek at’ (replace ‘ at ‘ with ‘@’). I welcome constructive emails! Usually, a response can be expected within four weeks for constructive comments. Spam and abuse will be ignored without responding.