NEXES Flexible Key Performance Indicators’ Recommendations
The NEXES Research and Innovation Action (EU Horizon2020, is at its final month this April 2018. Since the inception of the Flexible Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) early 2016, a lot of experience has been gained by applying the Flexible KPIs to NEXES pilot activities. At this point in the NEXES Action we can confidently phrase a number of recommendations on the role and use of these Flexible KPIs.
First we start with a brief refresher on the NEXES Action, where NEXES is an abbreviation of “NEXt generation Emergency Services”. As quoted from the NEXES website:
“The NEXES Research and Innovation Action aims to research, test and validate the promising integration of IP-based communication technologies and interoperability within the Next-Generation Emergency Services, so that they attain increased effectiveness and performance.”
The idea behind the NEXES Action is to provide Internet-enabled communication technologies that are commonplace for citizens and show how these can be integrated into emergency services’ daily operations. As a result, citizens can use total conversation, which includes interactive chat, video calling, calling over Wifi (e.g. through VOIP: Voice Over Internet Protocol technology), providing accurate GPS location from their mobile device, providing up to date emergency information, and being informed with relevant information.
The previous blog series on the NEXES Key Performance Indicators discussed how to use Flexible KPIs to make it possible to compare within and among emergency services the uptake of Total Conversation technology. During the NEXES Action, the Flexible KPIs have been applied in two large pilots and smaller-scale demonstrations. To illustrate the rationale for and use of the Flexible KPIs two (fictitious) example emergency service organisations are used in this brief series. The series consists of the following articles:
- ‘Comparing apples and oranges’ : The evaluation setting
- Flexible KPIs : Assuring fair, respectful and motivating evaluation
- Playing the ‘what-if’ game : Monitoring and Planning with Flexible KPIs
- A public playing field : Pragmatic exploitation and availability
- Continuous Improvement : The Flexible KPIs as a tactical aid for emergency services
This blog is the introduction of a series of five articles on the NEXES KPIs Lessons Learned and Recommendations. When you wish to delve deeper into the NEXES Action and its solution to comparing apples and oranges we recommend to read the deliverable D2.4, for more information on the NEXES Recommendations we recommend to read the deliverable D2.5. Below is the list of all the articles in the series:
- ‘Comparing apples and oranges’: The evaluation setting
- Flexible KPIs: Assuring fair, respectful and motivating evaluation
- Playing the ‘what-if’ game: Monitoring and planning with Flexible KPIs
- A public playing field: Pragmatic exploitation and availabaility
- Continuous Improvement: The Flexible KPIs as a tactical aid for emergency services
Dr. Niek Wijngaards works for AIMTech Consulting Limited in the United Kingdom and True Information Solutions in the Netherlands as senior consultant and solution architect. His focus on user-centered innovation and his work on intelligent systems and scenario-based robust decision-making provides a sound basis for the development of the NEXES Flexible KPI structure. Niek can be contacted at n.wijngaards AT aimtech DOT co DOT uk for Flexible KPI and recommendation-related questions.
Copyright © 2018, NEXES Research and Innovation Action, All Rights Reserved. The NEXES Action has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 653337. The work on the NEXES Key Performance Indicators is co-authored by the Action partners and has benefited from the constructive comments by the reviewers. See the NEXES LinkedIn group
for an overview of NEXES colleagues. All figures Copyright © NEXES unless stated otherwise and all images Copyright © unless stated otherwise.