Category Archives: Example

These posts describe examples of solutions in which both humans and machines are participants.

Continuous Improvement

Continuous Improvement

The Flexible KPIs as a tactical aid for emergency services The NEXES Flexible KPIs are suitable for measuring the impact of total conversation (NGES) on emergency services in Europe and beyond, taking into account the individual differences among emergency services. The Flexible KPIs support planning and roadmap activities by providing insight in progress achieved, and… Continue reading »

A public playing field

A public playing field

Pragmatic exploitation and availability The Flexible KPIs are likely to be most useful when they reside in the public domain. This ensures that all parties can access and make use of the Flexible KPIs; there is no danger of ‘vendor-lock-in’ or other restrictive structures that inhibit the ability of emergency services to engage with these… Continue reading »

Playing the ‘what-if’ game

Playing the ‘what-if’ game

Monitoring & Planning with Flexible KPIs Given the multi-stakeholder context of emergency services, the evaluation of NGES performance must accommodate multiple stakeholders and their possibly different priorities on (part of) NGES performance. The evaluation framework provides a new perspective that reflects the technological possibilities that have become real or already materialised and that can be… Continue reading »

Flexible KPIs

Flexible KPIs

Assuring fair, respectful and motivating evaluation The performance evaluation of Next-Generation Emergency Services (NGES) is based on the NEXES Flexible Key Performance Indicators (Flexible KPIs). These Flexible KPIs have been engineered for a socio-technical evaluation of NGES performance, fitting to the emergency services’ major business processes while being customisable for each individual emergency service organisation…. Continue reading »

‘Comparing Apples and Oranges’

‘Comparing Apples and Oranges’

The evaluation setting With Flexible KPIs it is possible to compare apples and oranges which translates into the NEXES context as: Emergency services (ES) are very different yet need support to adopt Next-Generation Emergency Services (NGES) capabilities. The NEXES Research and Innovation Action aims to facilitate this adoption process by providing reference technology implementations. The… Continue reading »

Flexible KPIs Lessons Learned

NEXES Flexible Key Performance Indicators’ Recommendations The NEXES Research and Innovation Action (EU Horizon2020, is at its final month this April 2018. Since the inception of the Flexible Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) early 2016, a lot of experience has been gained by applying the Flexible KPIs to NEXES pilot activities. At this point in… Continue reading »

Can we Compare with More Fruit?

Are we now done? Do we now have a final set of NEXES flexible Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) with their decoupled effect measurements? The answer is: Yes and No. “Yes,” as the principle of flexibility is the silver bullet. “No,” as the current KPIs and effect measurements are likely to change, even by the NEXES… Continue reading »

Yes: We Can Compare Apples and Oranges!

The NEXES Action uses flexible Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that each consist of multiple effect measurements. Emergency services can select and tailor effect measurements to their individual situation. How to compare the NEXES impact among emergency services? Can we compare apples, oranges and even more fruit? The key is to exploit the flexible KPIs’ principle:… Continue reading »

Adapt Effect Measurements to Fruit

The NEXES Action defines flexible Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that consist of multiple effect measurements. This solution fulfils emergency services’ needs of fairness and respect to their individual differences. Yet, each emergency service also needs to have their own say in how the effect measurements are conducted. How can their autonomy be guaranteed?

Key Performance Indicators for Apples and Oranges

Key Performance Indicators for Apples and Oranges

A ‘one size fits all’ approach does not work for NEXES to use Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) on emergency services in different countries. The key obstacle is that KPIs are defined to measure a single effect. The solution is to focus on the differences between emergency services, not the similarities. By decoupling effect measurements from… Continue reading »